Gospel Outreach

The Gambia Partnership are committed to reaching out with the Gospel to the Gambian people, so that Christ is made known as, “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). In the Gambia, 90% of the population are Muslim, with less than 1% evangelical Christians. There are many unreached groups in The Gambia who have either never heard the Gospel, or have heard a false presentation of the Gospel. Despite being a majority Muslim nation, Gambians will happily discuss matters of faith and accept Gospel literature. Much like Paul in Ephesus, we can say that, “a great and effective door has been opened” (1 Corinthians 16:9).

Whilst English is widely spoken in the populated areas, there are many rural areas where English is not spoken, rather a variety of local languages. For that reason, evangelism is often more effective when conducted through local dialects. For that reason our Gambian Committee and our Mission Worker are well equipped to reach out to their own people in their own languages.

Audio Bibles

Bibles and Gospel tracts are distributed, as are audio Bibles, which are particularly effective to enable the Gambians to hear the Gospel in their own language, particularly those who are illiterate. The audio Bibles have been very enthusiastically received and you can often hear them being played within the villages, which have been visited.

Biblical Teaching

Further to Gospel outreach, the Gambia Partnership seek to provide sound Biblical teaching, in order that Gambians would be better equipped to understand and apply the Scripture to all of their lives. This will enable them to and go on to serve their own people and their own communities and follow Christ’s example who, “did not come to be served, but to serve” (Matthew 20:28).

Weekly Teachers Fellowship

Weekly fellowships and Bible studies are conducted by our Mission worker and committee members, as a means of providing regular teaching to build up believers in the truth. Furthermore, these meetings are regularly attended by Roman Catholics and Muslims.

Local Church Support

A Local Church

The Gambia Partnership, seeks to support Gospel work, through local Gambian churches, for instance (Here). Jesus promised, “I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18). The greatest need of any nation is for local Biblical churches to shine as beacons of the Gospel, through Word and deed.


One of the greatest needs in The Gambia is for locally accessible schools, who provide children with a sound education. Often over the years, we have met children who voluntarily tell us that they want to go to school. In the UK, school is taken for granted. In the Gambia, there is little hope for someone’s future, if they are not educated, which is why an education is seen as such a positive for a Gambian. The Gambian government want to provide education for all, but in reality, this has not been realised. Furthermore, often when children are able to go to school, they have to travel many miles to do so.

We believe that providing a child with an education is a wonderful thing, in order to equip them for their future lives. However, the provision of a Biblically based education is better yet and integral to raising disciples of Christ, as they are taught a Biblical worldview.

Sgoil Creideamh (Faith School), Kabekel

For many years, The Gambia Partnership have supported Christian schools, in various villages through a range of projects, extending from provision of Bibles and school materials and sports equipment to school building works. Building works for other schools led to the construction of Sgoil Creideamh, Faith School, in Kabekel, which is where much of our work is currently based. Please click Here to learn more about Sgoil Creideamh.

Child Sponsorship

Grade School Students

Our current child sponsorship programme is based at Sgoil Creideamh, Faith School, Kabekel. For the cost of £10 per month, a sponsor will pay for the costs of a child to attend school in their own village, without the need to walk miles for an education. In return, sponsors receive photos and updates about the child’s development as they progress through the years.

Nursery School Students

Many of the sponsors and children communicate, via The Partnership, as the children send letters and drawings to their sponsors and the sponsors send gifts to their sponsored child, and a unique relationship is often established.

Transform a tenner and sponsor a child today and make a life changing impact upon a child’s life in The Gambia. Click (Here) to see our Transform a Tenner fundraising video. For further information, please email info@thegambiapartnership.co.uk.

Micro-Enterprise Projects

Bakery Project

Abdou’s Crops Garden

There are many people and communities in The Gambia who have great ability in any number of areas, along with a vision to set up sustainable businesses, but are unable to establish what would potentially be sound businesses, due to economic disadvantages.

The Gambia Partnership has engaged with a number of micro-enterprise initiatives, which offers a hand up, as opposed to a hand out. This avoids dependency and in turn generates funds to be reinvested in similar future micro-enterprises and Partnership projects.

Village Development Works

Memmeh Water Borehole

Sawyer Water Filters

There are no end of opportunities in a poverty stricken country, such as the Gambia, to show the love of Christ in practical ways. For instance, unclean drinking water is very often a source of disease amongst villagers, particularly children. The Gambia Partnership have been given the opportunity to engage in various water projects, including the provision of water filters for every house in Kabekel and the provision of a bore hole in Memmeh, for the benefit of the villagers. There have also been need to provide food aid for vulnerable families and communities, along with opportunities to establish sustainable gardens for growing crops.

“If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, “depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? (James 2:15)