Mission Worker Prayer Request

Posted on by scottmaciver

Just for a flavour of opportunities in the Gambia and the great work that the Partnership is being the opportunities in…

Brethren, join me in praying for a young man, X (name hidden). He is a professional man I have come to know well. If morality alone can take one to heaven, he will be in front with all the saints but sadly he is a Muslim. He has lots of Jehovah witness colleagues who seemed to agree with his Unitarian views. He is searching for the truth and I have offered to answer his questions and doubts. He always go back to discuss the issues we discuss to his friends some of whom are Islamic scholars. He says many pastors have run away from him not being able to answer his questions but finds me very bold and passionate about what I believe. I have given him some reading materials and proposed appointments to discuss eternal matters…

Pray for this brother…. My heart weeps for him…. Such a nice man who wouldn’t hurt a fly. Before he left my house this morning he said he cannot fathom how an all-knowing, all powerful creator God can become man and be beaten and killed by those whom he created…. What a thought that is ….Our discussions will be about unfolding that thought.

Pray for him and the thousands like him who want answers. Pray that the Spirit of God will do that which He alone can do. Man can but only give answers…. God alone saves.

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