Reformed Theology Classes

Posted on by scottmaciver

The following are photos taken at the Gambia Partnership sponsored, reformed theology classes, held in the Gambia.  Reformed theology is not well known in the Gambia, and the internet isn’t of a suitable standard to readily download much of the reformed content, we so take for granted. Therefore, we sent over a hard drive with reformed audio and video content, which is projected to the wall, as a means of introducing people to reformed teachings.

You will see photos below of the 15 people who attended last night to watch ‘Is the Bible Just Another Book?’ by Dr Steven Lawson, which contains foundational teaching on the Inspiration of Scripture. Furthermore the first of a series of Q&A videos by Dr Alan Cairns on ‘What is the Gospel’ was played.

A Muslim friend attended and promised to return next week and also to bring some of his Christian friends with him. Furthermore the head of a distant village known to us attended, along with 4 others from the village. He said ‘the sermons are so interesting and full of fact. We promise to follow it to the end.’

There is some resistance to reformed theology, amongst those we have come across, as the Gambia is very much given to Charismatic teachings. However, others who have come across this teaching, which has so far been unknown to them, have been very much taken with the teaching. Those present from a nearby Church promised to be ‘always present at the classes, because the time is good for them.’

We hope to continue these classes next week with teachings on ‘Who is Jesus Christ’ again by Dr Steven Lawson and leading on towards the atonement with sermons by Rev Gavin Beers. We would appreciate your prayers as the Gambia Partnership seek to bring the reformed truth to the Gambia and to reach out with the Gospel to those that are lost. We pray that this would be to God’s glory.

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