Prayer for Brikama Outreach

Posted on by scottmaciver

Please pray for the Outreach in Brikama this Lord’s Day. The following is from our Mission Worker, Philip Senessie…

“Brethren, join me in praying for a Bible seminar at Brikama on Sunday (18th October) where I have been invited to teach on ‘Who is Jesus Christ?’. There will be about 50 people or more gathered to hear a Biblical case for Jesus as being the God-man from  the Old and New Testament. I seek to make it known that having the right view of Jesus as taught in Scripture is essential for salvation as a mere man or prophet cannot save. I will be answering objections against the  Biblical view of Jesus namely, How could God become man? how could God die? Why did Jesus pray to the Father?, why did he say the Father is  greater than himself? , why did he say ‘My God, my God why has Thou forsaken me?’  etc False views of Jesus as taught in Islam, Jehovah witnesses, Mormons etc will also be stated and the dangers in holding such views clearly explained.

Pray that the message will be blessed to all who will hear it; that it will strengthen believers and convert the unsaved through the work of the Holy Spirit. “… ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6).”


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